iMCQ Prep Exams for Pharmacy Technicians

PEBC Exam Preparation with iMCQ

  • New feature! Simulated Prep Test. 150 randomly generated questions, with 3 Hour time limit!
  • Prepare for your exam with confidence.
  • Challenge your current skills and knowledge.
  • Identify areas to focus your studying.
  • Study when you want, where you want, for as long as you want.
  • Increase your chance of success!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is iMCQ for Pharmacy Technicians?

iMCQ for Pharmacy Technicians is a large database of multiple choice questions to help pharmacy technicians prepare for the PEBC examinations (Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada). The questions written are intended to cover all nine NAPRA (National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities) competencies you must know to successfully pass the PEBC examinations. The questions have been written by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians and are reviewed by a pan-Canadian pharmacy technician panel.

The multiple choice questions prepared are NOT intended to replace your studying but to complement your studying and test your knowledge. New topics are added on a regular basis.

There is also a prep exam of 150 randomly selected questions with a 3 hour time limit. The prep test can be taken any number of times. Each time you take the prep test another selection of questions is selected.

NOTE: there is no automatic renewal. If you want to subscribe for a longer period of time, you must go into iMCQ and renew through Paypal.

2. How do I use iMCQ for Pharmacy Technicians?

There are many topics covering the nine NAPRA competencies. Topics include ethics, jurisprudence, drug distribution, team work, inventory systems and pharmacy management.

Once you select a topic by clicking on it, you will have two chances to answer each question. If your answer is incorrect on the second attempt, the correct answer will appear. The correct answer will appear usually with an explanation and / or reference. The question answer and explanation will help you prepare and study for the PEBC. A digital clock that will keep track of your time while answering the questions.

For pharmacy technicians preparing for the PEBC Evaluating Exam, there are many several topic areas including pharmacology, disease treatment, anatomy and physiology and pharmaceutics. This is a great way to review material prior to the PEBC Evaluating Exam.

The results of each subject area are tabulated on your dashboard to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

3. Are the iMCQ questions similar to PEBC?

This is a hard question to answer since PEBC does not publish past multiple choice questions. Based on the sample questions provided on the website, our iMCQ questions are very similar to those on the PEBC. Of course, some questions are easy and others are more difficult. Some questions are case-study based; other questions are not.

4. What is the iMCQ dashboard?

The iMCQ dashboard will help track your progress. You can determine which subject areas need more work. A bar graph will tabulate your results and let you know what subject areas you need to work on.

5. How do I study for the PEBC examinations?

The answer to this question is different for everyone. Everyone has different study habits. Some people prefer to study alone, others like to study with others. For tips and suggestions to help you with studying and resources, please see our blog at

We are always willing to address your questions and concerns so please add to our blog.

6. What do I do if I find errors or omissions?

Medical knowledge is advancing at a very rapid pace and it is difficult for all health care practitioners to keep up-to-date. We will make every effort to keep the questions relevant and up-to-date. If you notice any errors or omissions or changes, please notify us at [email protected]. We'll be happy to investigate and post the new updated information when required.

Get full access now!

Pass the PEBC exam for Pharmacy Technicians the first time with iMCQ. Full access includes a simulated prep exam plus access to all the review questions.

  • 1 Month Access: Only $79.00+HST
  • 6 Month Access: Only $159.00+HST

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Expert Review Panel

Barbara Nicholson RPhT (ACP)

Pharmacy Technician Program Coordinator at Robertson College in Calgary, Alberta and Pharmacy Technician at Alberta Health Services

Kelly-Ann Wakeford, RPhT

Senior Pharmacy Technician, Juravinski Cancer Centre Pharmacy, Hamilton, Ontario

Greg Ujiye, R.Ph. Pharmacy Regulatory Consultant